ACN Schools #RedWednesday Livestream and Masses

Join Schools across the UK for #RedWednesday 2024!

We are inviting all schools to participate in our #RedWednesday live stream. This event offers a unique opportunity to learn, pray, and have FUN while supporting children and young people living in displacement camps due to war and Christian persecution.

Together, we’ll hear their powerful stories, reflect on their lives, pray for them, and take action through fundraising.

The live stream, hosted by The Mark 10 Mission in collaboration with the Kenelm Youth Trust (KYT), will take place on Wednesday, 20th November:

You can make a difference



9:30-10:30 AM for Primary Schools
11:00 AM-12:00 PM for Secondary Schools

Additionally, a special #RedWednesday Mass for schools will be held at St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham on the same day at 12:15pm followed by refreshments in the Grimshaw room..

For the live stream link, or for reserving your spaces for Mass at St Chad’s Cathedral , please email Teresa Kehoe, ACN’s Youth & Membership Lead for England & Wales, at [email protected]

Diocese of Nottingham Schools #RedWednesday Mass – November 18th at Ratcliffe College. Contact Fionauala Boucher to reserve your places on [email protected]

You are also invited to be part of #TeamRed and help Break the Silence on Christian persecution. Aid to the Church in Need’s #RedWednesday campaign challenges us to show our support for Christians facing persecution worldwide.

Be a voice. Stand in solidarity. Break the Silence.