Kilmarnock Annual Event
Stand Up for Faith and Freedom
Aid to the Church in Need in Scotland would like to invite you to attend our annual October event, taking place in Kilmarnock on Monday 8th October 2018.
This event will consist of an evening of witness, prayer and reflection for the Persecuted Church. We hope that you will take this opportunity to join us, and our guest speakers, to spend an evening listening to the astounding stories our speakers have to tell of the persecution and oppression they have witnessed in their home countries. It will be a chance for you to meet other benefactors and for us to pray together for all those who suffer around the world because of their Faith.
Our speakers include:
- Sister Luma Khudher OP Dominican Sister joins us from Iraq to update us on the return of families to the Christian villages of the Nineveh Plains. She will tell how ACN benefactors are helping them to rebuild their lives and their futures.
- Archbishop Habib Jajou, Chaldean Archbishop of Basra, joins us to provide an update on how Christians from Iraq are coping in the wake of persecution, political turmoil and general uncertainty and how ACN benefactors are helping them to rebuild their lives and their future.
- Head of Section for Asia at ACN International Reinhard Backes, joins us from Germany to provide an update on ACN’s latest projects in Asia.
This event is free but it does have limited availability for tickets so please do get in touch via email or telephone if you would like to attend: [email protected] / 01698 337470.