Open Doors and Aid to the Church in Need event

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) teamed up with Open Doors to present a panel event on a topic of great importance to both charities: the persecution of women and girls from religious minorities.
In case you missed it please listen to the recording of the event held on Tuesday 8th March 2022, International Women’s Day. Alongside first-hand accounts from survivors of sexual violence and forced conversion, the event unpacks further research into persecution of women from religious minorities and provides policy asks for the UK government.
BBC journalist Emily Buchanan chaired a discussion with 3 panellists. Listen to the first-hand accounts from survivors of sexual violence and forced conversion. The event outlines research on the topic and proposes policy asks for the UK government. We hope you will enjoy watching this collaborative event.
ACN has a number of projects that support female victims of religious persecution, and other abuses, including:

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To make a donation to support this and other similar projects, click the button.
To make a donation to support this and other similar projects, click the button.