#RedWednesday Digital Event, Scotland

Webinar Sponsor: Clare Adamson MSP
An evening for the people of Scotland to stand together and shine a spotlight on the persecution of Christians and other faith minorities.https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/acn-redwedneday-webinar-sponsored-by-clare-adamson-msp-registration-429144662237 We look forward to welcoming you to our ACN Scotland Event. Join our growing community of #RedWednesday Champions and help make this year’s campaign even bigger. By wearing red, lighting buildings or landmarks red and holding prayer events, the world will take notice.
Join our livestream event hosted by Clare Adamson MSP. ACN’s Dr John Newton will present finding from our ‘Persecuted and Forgotten?’ report and the situation facing persecuted Christians globally, looking at 24 countries. Help break the silence on Christian and religious persecution. Please reserve your place here: