#RedWednesday Trio Event, London

Join us this #RedWednesday at the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral. We hope to see you for all or part of the evening programme.
Please invite friends and loved ones to join you to Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine and those facing religious persecution globally. This is a rare opportunity to see the interior of this beautiful building. A wonderful piece of Ukrainian culture and tradition in the heart of London.
Wear red a symbol of Martyrdom. You are encouraged to wear red, whether a token accessory or embrace the colour, if your wardrobe allows.
Rosary: 5:45pm
Join us for a moment of reflection with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary at 5.45pm.
Holy Mass: 6:15pm
Go2Mass for the families in Ukraine who can’t. Unite in support of those facing religious persecution globally. Please join us for sung Divine Litury (Holy Mass) for persecuted Christians, celebrated in the Greek Catholic rite. Practicing Catholics may take Holy Communion.
Talk: Persecuted and Forgotten? 7:45pm – 9:00pm
Following refreshments in the hall with music and prayer. John Pontifex, ACN Head of Press will present the Persecuted & Forgotten? Report that launches in November. Hear how ACN supports persecuted Christians around the world and is urging governments and those in power to act responsibly.
Hear firsthand testimonies from our guest Bishop Jude Ayodeji Arogundade of Ondo, Nigeria. It was in his diocese where the terrible attack on Pentecost Sunday happened this year at St Francis Xavier Church.
We look forward to marking #RedWednesday with you.
Please email to express your interest to attend to [email protected]