#RW Annual Schools Mass

Join schools from the ACN Central Area for the first of our Annual #ACN Red Wednesday Schools Masses. Our celebrant is Mgr Timothy Menezes.
Primary and Secondary Schools are invited from across the Archdiocese of Birmingham and ACN member schools to join together in praying for persecuted Christians and those in pastoral need.
This will be our first ACN Annual Masses for Schools in support of #ACN Red Wednesday and an ideal time to link your prayers, learn about those we at ACN help and fundraise to support them in their times of extreme need.
Following the Mass 12.15 – 1.15 there will be refreshments in the Grimshaw Room and a chance to learn more about #RW and ACN’s work. If you are not yet an ACN Member School, you can also pick up information and join the family!
To mark #RedWednesday if possible, please wear red on the day.
To register: Please email Teresa Kehoe, ACN Community Fundraiser for ACN Central at [email protected]
Please advise of any food intolerances. (ACN will provide takeaway juice boxes and a small snack for the journey home. Tea and coffee are available for adults)