John Abba

John Abba is a 30 year old man from Nigeria.
He was injured during Mass in 2013 when his church in north Kaduna (Malali district) was bombed. His church was not the first one in Kaduna to be targeted by extremists.
John told ACN “People thought I was dead. I was lying in a pool of blood. They shouted my name and thought it was a miracle when I responded… I could not see at all. The doctors told me mine was a hopeless case. But I never stopped trusting in God. For two months and 10 days, I was blind and then – after many operations – my sight began to return in one eye. When people hear my story, they often look at me and say yes, there is a God.”
John has been left blind in one eye with horrific scarring over his face, chest and back.

What will you do?


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