GHANA: Sister saving disabled children from being killed

A religious Sister in Ghana has recounted how she has rescued more than 130 children from being murdered by those who believe they are “evil”.
Sister Stan Therese Mumuni of the Marian Sisters of Eucharistic Love founded a home in Yendi Diocese, northern Ghana for children with mental and physical disabilities who were abandoned or in danger of being killed.
Sister Mumuni told Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN): “The traditional beliefs affect the children.
“If a child is born blind, they are considered evil, if they cannot speak, they are considered evil.
“If a mother dies in labour, the family rejects the child because they are considered evil.”
She added: “It is terrible to see a beautiful child, and just because they cannot speak people think they should be condemned to death.
“If you have a child who cannot see in the community, the woman cannot go to fetch water with the other women, or to farm, because they tell her she has an evil child.
“And if there is any misfortune in the village they blame it on the child, and they kill it.”
Sister Mumuni cares for the 120 children currently living in the Nazareth Home for God’s Children with 15 other religious sisters and 35 staff members.
The Sister explained that hospitals sometimes call her after a mother left a child there, while some families take their disabled children to the home themselves.
She said: “My children are prayer warriors.”
“At meals, even though they are very hungry, they stand and wait until everybody is served and pray before they eat.
“They say the rosary every day. When I am away, anytime I call them they say they have been praying for me, and for this person or that.”
ACN has supported the construction of a new convent for the Marian Sisters of Eucharistic Love in Ghana.
With special thanks to Filipe d’Avillez