MYANMAR: Charity calls for global day of prayer for peace

Mass at Banmaw Cathedral (© ACN/Magdalena Wolnik).
Mass at Banmaw Cathedral (© ACN/Magdalena Wolnik).

An international Catholic charity is calling for 24 hours of prayer to end the violent conflict that broke out in Myanmar (Burma) four years ago.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) offices in 23 countries will be leading hour-long prayer vigils on Saturday, 1st February, and are asking the charity’s friends and benefactors around the world to pray with them.

The Burmese military has not been able to consolidate power since overthrowing the government on 1st February 2021, leading to ongoing violence and crackdowns against civilians opposing the new regime.

Millions of people fled their homes as a result of the crisis. There are more than 2.8 million IDPs (internally displaced persons) in Myanmar, according to UN reports.

Regina Lynch, ACN (International) Executive President, said: “We at [ACN] are deeply moved by the situation in Myanmar.

“This day is an opportunity for everyone, regardless of their place of origin, to unite in a collective plea for peace and reconciliation.”

Ms Lynch added: “During the day of prayer, we want to remember the victims and deceased in the conflict, asking for comfort for their families and eternal peace for those who have departed.

“Our brothers and sisters experience bombings, hunger, lack of electricity…

“Priests and religious often have to travel for days to reach the more distant parishes, experiencing dangerous situations but, in spite of everything, they continue to carry out their work.”

She concluded: “They thank us for the help of benefactors and ask us, ‘please pray for us, pray for our safety, pray for our families, pray for our people’, so that’s what we want to do.”


With thanks to Maria Lozano