Remembering your loved ones

When a loved one dies, to honour the work of charities they valued during their lifetime, many families request donations in lieu of flowers at the time of the funeral. Many others use Tribute platforms such as MuchLoved or Memory Giving to post details of the funeral arrangements, to create a memorial page and to raise funds towards a final gift for ACN in the name of the deceased.
All kind benefactors who leave a legacy or In Memory gift or who have supported us during their lifetimes are entered into our In Memoriam book which rests in our Chapel where, subject to Covid restrictions, they are remembered at Holy Mass every month. Deceased benefactors and friends are also remembered at ACN’s annual Mass for the deceased every November.
In thanksgiving for their love for Christ in his suffering Church, a proportion of each legacy received by ACN is set aside for Masses for the soul of the departed benefactor.