#RedWednesday 2022 Prayer
God our Father, on this Red Wednesday we offer our heartfelt prayers for the persecuted Church throughout the world. Confident in the saving blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whose death brought life to the world, we pray for all who profess the Name of Jesus the Nazarene and for all people of goodwill who suffer, even unto the blood of martyrdom, on account of violence, religious discrimination and intolerance on religious grounds.
We pray for all those unjustly held or kidnapped because of their faith. May they be freed.
We pray for all those suffering with mental or physical illness, especially those facing constant discrimination and oppression. We pray that you may ease their pain.
We pray for leaders, religious and secular, that they may be inspired by the spirit of co-operation, dialogue and mutual respect for all peoples in society, so we may together build up a civilisation of love.
We pray for the faithful departed, remembering especially those martyred for their faith, now triumphant witnesses to Christ and his Church through the ultimate sacrifice of pouring out their blood to sow seeds of renewal. We pray too for deceased friends and benefactors of Aid to the Church in Need. May they all rest in peace.
And may we, through the intercession of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, be strengthened in faith, hope and charity to follow Christ Our Lord along the road to the heavenly Jerusalem, with all the saints and martyrs, washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb, and brought to the glory of eternal joy. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.