#RedWednesday Novena for Parishes

The focus for our prayer for #RedWednesday 2022 is to reaffirm our faith that we, as baptised Christians and beloved members of the Body of Christ, have a role to play in fighting the spiritual battle against evil.
Each day we invite you to pray the rosary:
- Go to Mass on as many of the nine days as you can
- Offer prayers to St Michael the Archangel
- Join ACN for the rosary and Mass on #RedWednesday either physically or spiritually.
This nine-day novena will be a challenge for many of us. As we pray together as one community, let us remind ourselves that this is a decision of love, which we do, not as a dry religious duty, but as faith-filled Christians who know that God will hear our prayers – this is his promise to us. We can unite our sacrifices (getting up earlier, switching off the TV/phone, planning our day to put prayer at its centre) to Jesus’ sufferings. We look forward to hearing from you and we thank you for taking on this vital commitment for those who risk all for Christ.