Mexico: Messengers of mercy on the margins of society
Mariana May is 82 and a widow.
And she lives alone. Her five children rarely come to visit. “But whenever I feel really lonely, one of these young lads comes to visit.
They tell me they are messengers of the Gospel, but I say they are angels, for they remind me that God still loves me and that I am never really alone.
They bring me joy and consolation – and beans, rice, oil, maize, sugar and salt – in fact everything I need to live on.”
Esaul Ortega Romero is one of these “young lads”. Three years ago he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told he had just three months to live. Esaul prayed: “Lord, thy will be done. My bags are packed; whenever you say, however you say, wherever you say.“ He prays a lot with the people he visits, here in Yucatan, Mexico.
He has been doing this work for 17 years now – like his colleagues he is a messenger of mercy. Their work also includes organising pilgrimages, training catechists, celebrating liturgies of the Word, promoting vocations, teaching children and young people and preparing them for the Sacraments, and bringing new life to faith through the family apostolate.