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Aid to the Church in Need Shop

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Pope Francis – The Path to Change

Pope Francis has thoroughly re-engaged the Catholic Church with the modern world, by tackling the difficult and urgent questions that we face as a civilization, in order to illuminate the path to change. French sociologist Dominique Wolton interviewed Pope Francis regularly over the course of a year, and their open, warm dialogue builds a detailed picture of how Pope Francis became the most popular leader the Catholic Church has ever seen.   Read More

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The Golden Thread

Frances Ellis was a remarkable Catholic philanthropist who took seriously Jesus’ injunction: ‘But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.’ Born in 1846 to a life of wealth and privilege, Frances Ellis converted to Catholicism in 1900, and set about giving away her money to support the Church. Over the course of a decade, she was responsible for the building of forty new Catholic churches, mostly in the Archdiocese of Southwark, nearly all of which are still in active use.  Read More

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Pope Francis – Open To God Open To The World

Pope Francis is in constant dialogue with the outside world and with the universal Catholic Church. He likes being asked questions, finding it easy to respond, and maintains a good relationship with the press. In  this book are some of his most valuable engagements in dialogue form with people of all sorts and kinds. Read More

38 in stock

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