Marian Nabil Habib

Marian Nabil Habib is an Egyptian teenager, living in Cairo.
In December 2016 Marian and her family were at St. Peter and St. Paul’s Coptic Church in Cairo when a suicide bomber attacked the church.
29 people were killed in the attack, including Marian’s father. She told ACN how her father lay in her arms as he died. Daesh (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the brutal attack.
Describing her last moments with her father, she said: “I took off my jacket for his head to rest on. There were wounds across his entire body. His hand looked shattered, my hair got wet with his blood…He was still alive and, looking me in the eyes, he told me to take care of my younger sister and brother and he gave me the keys to the church gate and to our apartment.”
Marian was only 14 when her father was murdered.
What will you do?