Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope
Jubilee Year 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

"The coming Jubilee will thus be a Holy Year marked by the hope that does not fade, our hope in God. May it help us to recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all persons and respect for God’s gift of creation.” - Pope Francis
The Jubilee 2025 began with the opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica on December 24, 2024 and is a significant event for Catholics around the world marking the 2025th anniversary of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. This Jubilee is a time for spiritual renewal, encouraging Catholics to deepen their faith through prayer, sacraments, and pilgrimages to sacred sites, including the Holy Doors in Rome.
The theme, "Pilgrims of Hope," emphasises the journey of faith and the role of hope in life's challenges. Pope Francis has called this Jubilee to celebrate hope and invite reflection on faith and Church teachings, fostering unity and renewal among the faithful.
Giving hope to those that need it the most is at the core of what ACN does and so throughout this Holy Year, ACN will be engaging with the themes of Hope, through the prayers we say, the actions we take, and the work that we do. We hope you join us in this journey, as Pilgrims of Hope and together spread the word and teachings of the Lord and give hope to those around the world that need us.
Give hope to the sufferingGet involved this Jubilee Year 2025

Jubilee Prayer Card
This A5 gatefold prayer card is the perfect keepsake for this Jubilee year. With the prayer for the jubilee from Pope Francis, stories of hope from Nigeria and Syria, and scripture texts for reflection.

Jubilee Resources
Whether you are a school, a youth group, or want to learn more, we have a selection of Jubilee related resources that you can use to help learn and educate on the pilgrimage of hope.

Share you pilgrimage photos
We want to see your pilgrimage of hope this year. Click here to upload your pictures of how you are getting involved with the Jubilee so we can share.