Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle


Dear Mother - please pray to your Son for Christine who has just been taken to hospital with a serious stroke. Pray also for Roger and all their dear family. Mother, dear Lord, they really need to fel Your presence with them now. Thank You.

eric lloyd -colonoscopy- soulmate

please let them find out why left side abodomen is hurting during my colonscopy and that i will not pass out during the colon prep grant me this favor i seek in jesus name amen, allow me to start having fun allow me to date

John Duncombe

Please pray for John Duncombe. Now deceased but a loving father.


Lord, I trust you, for Khalil's future. In Jesus name Amen!


Dear Mother - pray to your Son for all those affected in any way by the terrible train crash in India. Please pray for His calming and healing presence to be felt by those so dreadfully hurt. And pray that we all do what we can to offer assistance.


Dear Lord, Grant him a successful outcome to his treatment and restore him good health. We pray too for his wife and family.


Dear Mother - please pray for Nick and Anne, that any operation Nick needs will be a complete success and they will feel the peaceful presence of your Son in all these sufferings. Thank you, dear Mother.

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