Prayer Candles
Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.
Light a candle
For all who have died & those who are being persecuted for their Christian Faith in Nigeria & in all countries mentioned on the ACN website, and throughout the world. For all their families & loved ones.

For.all who died as a result of the explosion in Beirut & all their families & loved ones, and those who are helping.

For all who died as a result of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki on 6 August 1945.

I offer this candle for Chritian families persecuted in Pakistan. May God help them, bless them and save them.

Thomas Kinsey
For the eternal repose of Thomas and our thanksgiving for the many blessings we received through his life on earth.

Dear Lord, Calm John's pain and fear, grant him healing and restoration of his health and independence after his accident.