Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle


I pray for an end to mindless violence and the reign of the Prince of Peace in all affected countries

Paul Bellairs

I dedicate this pray candle to poor people of Syria and pray God will help them in their hour of need


End of dualism, intolerance, persecution and horrific crimes against humanity.

In Thanksgiving

For Fr. Werenfried, everyone in ACN and for all those touched by their work, thank you Lord.


That God will shed His Light on those in the darkness of suffering... and for all dear colleagues & the wonderful benefactors of ACN in 2018.

For all our loved ones

We pray for all who are persecuted for their Faith, we remember all in our School Community, past, present and those who will join us in 2018. We pray especially at Christmas, for all who have lost loved ones; we remember especially Canon Mellor. SFA


We light this candle for those in need and who will celebrate Christmas on their own this year.

Show your support

Light a candle