Advent Secondary: Three Games, Two Stars and One ‘SPIN THE ACN WHEEL’.

Our ACN Advent Resource for secondary schools is available exclusively for member schools. It comprises three fun sessions which can be used in ACN group meetings, chaplaincy team sessions, during RE lessons or in parish settings. Each session is about 30 minutes but can be shortened or lengthened according to the needs of the group.
Each of the three sessions may be used independently, but the process is more effective if they are presented in a sequence.
The sessions are based on ACN’s Gifts of Faith Campaign and are formatted as games with discussion and action points.
The sessions are as follows:
Session 1: ‘Reverse Advent Calendar’ where players give rather than receive.
Session 2: ‘Snowmen and Stars’ (which is ACN’s take on Snakes and Ladders).
Session 3: ‘Spin the ACN Wheel’ which gives players concrete examples of responses through prayer, information and action.
If you would like to receive these resources but are not yet a member, please contact [email protected] or [email protected] to join our FREE MEMBERSHIP PROGAMME.