Lent Mobile Phone Challenge for Ukraine

Please join ACN in prayer, fasting and almsgiving this Lent by participating in The Mobile Phone Challenge for Ukraine. Around 80% of the population have been affected by this war and most of are traumatised. One of the beneficiaries of ACN’s help told us that, “We are feeling very, very tired. People are exhausted, because there is no sign that the conflict is coming to an end.” We rely on generous schools and parishes to help us continue to care for those who are physically injured and have wounded souls.
Please give up your phone for 24 hours, pray for peace and donate your sponsorship money to ACN’s Ukraine fund.
Here are some examples of people ACN have already supported, thanks to the generosity of our benefactors:
- The people trapped in cities: for medicine, food and hygiene products.
- Those taking emergency shelter in the basement of the unfinished church in Kyiv
- Refugees, orphanages and homes for single mothers.
- The children taking shelter at St John Paul parish house
- The sick and elderly who are facing the challenge of surviving due to the spiralling costs as a result of the war
- The families of those who have had to go and fight
- The sisters who refuse to leave as they want to stay and serve the people. For them and those they help
- Those who have lost everything.
If you would like a PowerPoint version of the presentation, please contact [email protected]
MEMBER SCHOOLS WILL RECEIVE A SHORT ASSEMBLY AND A NEW POSTER EACH WEEK, the poster for week 1 is below, please download it and print it. Please contact [email protected] if you would like FREE membership.