Pentecost (Primary)

This resource has been created to support schools, parishes and youth groups in exploring the wonder and awe of the feast of Pentecost.
It could be used as part of an assembly or within the classroom/parish setting where it can be adapted for different year/age groups as identified by individual teachers/leaders.
The presentation has been designed/structured so that the various components can be delivered as a whole, or different elements can be incorporated into different lessons/assemblies/sessions.
The following features are included:
- A Pentecost ‘Quick Quiz’
- An introduction to/overview of the Pentecost story from the Acts of the Apostles.
- An ‘ACN Quiz’ to provide an age-appropriate insight into our work.
- Information about the ongoing work of ACN and the communities that we support.
- An introduction to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the opportunity for pupils to reflect on how they could use these gifts to support the work of ACN.
- Prayer and reflection – Come Holy Spirit.
We hope that you and the children find this resource both engaging and informative as we celebrate the ‘birth of the Church.’ If you would like to fundraise for any of the ACN projects highlighted, please contact: [email protected]