India Appeal

Christian brothers and sisters in India need our prayers and support more than ever, as attacks on Christians continue to rise in different parts of the country. Learn more about the projects ACN are doing in India to help the Christian communities in the country.

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Our podcast series which aims to give a voice to individuals who have suffered for their Christian faith and those advocating for them. The topics range from stories of courage and hope in the face of religious freedom violations, to historical overviews of Christian persecution and present-day parliamentary advocacy aiming to bring about positive change.

ACN's Break the Silence podcast

Latest News

  • EGYPT: Plans to build more churches as religious freedom returns

    A decrease in the influence of Islamist extremism in Egypt has made it possible for Christians to begin the reconstruction of damaged churches and even consider building new ones. The Egyptian government has lifted the restrictions on the construction of churches, allowing the Coptic Catholic community to start restoring St George’s Cathedral in Luxor – […]

    St George’s Coptic Catholic Cathedral in Luxor after the destruction.
  • BANGLADESH: Jesuits open their first training centre

    The Society of Jesus has set up its first-ever novitiate in Bangladesh, where less than half a percent of the population is Christian – with help from an international Catholic charity. The training centre in Mothbari, south-west Bangladesh will help promote vocations by allowing novices to study in their mother tongue, according to Father Ripon […]

    A Jesuit priest with novices in Bangladesh.

Upcoming Events

  • ACN Pilgrim Paths

    Thank you for everyone that has signed up, there are no longer any space available as the pilgrimage is now full. Please keep an eye on our events page, social media, and e-news on news about any new upcoming ACN pilgrimages and events. ACN is travelling the pilgrim paths of the early church in Durham, […]

    ACN Central Pilgrimage Booklet
  • Benefactor & Friends Carfin Event

    Come and hear from our inspirational speakers, learn more about the work of Aid to the Church in need, find out how you can help and let’s build the Scottish support. We will also have a visit to the reliquary chapel and Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Paschal Uche on the anniversary of his ordination. […]

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