
On the lead up to #RedWednesday 20th November – Will you pledge your action to ACN’s #RedWednesday with #TeamRed.

We want to bring communities and ACN benefactors together to take action. Will you help raise funds and awareness for suffering and displaced children and young people suffering the aftermath of persecution and violence, just for being a Christian? Together we wish to raise ACN’s visibility and £500k4HOPE.

How will you take part?

Share with us on socials your plans and photos. Tag #REDWEDNESDAY #TEAMREDPLEDGE #£500k4HOPE. Let’s create social media noise on plight of displaced young Christians.

#TeamRed in action

We love to see and hear how you will mark #RW from illuminating churches and landmarks to fundraising initiatives. Here are a few examples of #TeamRed action in 2023 around the country:

  • Cardinal Vaughan Schola: Musical presentation featuring BGT finalist, Malakai Bayoh.
  • Harvington Hall, Kidderminster: ACN talks and activities for university & 6th form students
  • Individuals up and down the country taking action filming videos on Christian persecution
  • Ealing Parish: Weekend full of fundraising activities
  • St Peter’s Parish, Bromsgrove: Quiz night
  • St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham:#RW Annual Schools Mass
  • Mark 10 Mission: #RW 1hr Schools Livestream & liturgy resources
  • St Aquinas Catholic School: Drone filming; confetti smoke bombs; interview with Rome Report
  • St Ignatius Primary School, Scotland: #RW Novena; Coffee Morning; abstract drama of emotion
  • St Bernadette’s, Herts: ACN Assembly; Poetry Competition; Red Mufti Day
  • St Ambrose High School, Scotland: Samba Band and Piper for Schools Livestream
  • St Edmund’s College, Herts: Footprints of solidarity messages and prayers for a path to chapel
  • St Benedict’s High School, Warwickshire: Students ‘breaking the silence’ in different languages
  • St Benedict’s School, Ealing: Red Mufti Day with #RW consortium of four Catholic schools
  • St Bede’s Catholic School, Co. Durham: Red Raffle & Bake sale