Online Masses

Father Adilson Selch, 41, during Mass in the indigenous village of Pé-de- Mutum. He is the parish priest of Castanheira, 50 km from Pé-de-Mutum by road and the last 6 km in canoe. From its parish in Castanheira, he serves the 34 Catholic indigenous communities of Juina, such as the Rikbaktsa tribe, although the most distant Indians he attends are 280 km and six hours by motorized canoe.
Father Adilson Selch, 41, during Mass in the indigenous village of Pé-de- Mutum. He is the parish priest of Castanheira, 50 km from Pé-de-Mutum by road and the last 6 km in canoe. From its parish in Castanheira, he serves the 34 Catholic indigenous communities of Juina, such as the Rikbaktsa tribe, although the most distant Indians he attends are 280 km and six hours by motorized canoe.

Please use this resource to find Masses and other services you can live stream or watch past recordings. Please continue to keep suffering Christians in your prayers during this difficult time and be assured ACN are praying for you.

As Cardinal Nichols says,

this time can enable us to put down deeper roots of the Spirit. This may be a difficult time, but we hope touring the Masses will make it a little more bearable!

Just click on one of the images below.

If there’s something you fancy that we haven’t included, you can see the full daily schedule of online Masses here.

Act of Spiritual Communion
St Alphonsus Liguori
My Jesus, I believe that You are in the Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I long for You in my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though You have already come, I embrace You and unite myself entirely to You; never permit me to be separated from You.

“If we are deprived of Sacramental Communion, let us replace it, as far as we can, by spiritual communion, which we can make every moment; for we ought to have always a burning desire to receive the good God.”
St. Jean-Marie Vianney. 

“What a source of grace there is in spiritual Communion! Practice it frequently and you’ll have more presence of God and closer union with him in your life.”
St. Josemaría Escrivá.