Prayer Candles
Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.
Light a candle
For all who live in daily fear of their lives. Lord have mercy. Fill us all with love and compassion.

For channels of peace between all communities and faiths. And for the most vulnerable to be held in His hand and kept within our prayers.

Thank you for introducing Jesus to our community 60 years back. But then you went by bicycle for outreach,never come back.Hoping to meet you in eternity.

For all who are suffering as a result of war and persecution
To the Good Lord that all who are suffering may have Your Love and Support.

Hugh Thomas
For my darling husband who died on Christmas Eve. Suffered and died so unexpectedly. Forever in my heart.

Suffering Christians
Foe suffering Christians in South East Asia and all over the world; God grant them peace.

Dear Lord please help the poor , homeless ,hungry and suffering. Let there be peace on this beautiful earth. Amen

For all the suffering and persecuted
For all the suffering and persecuted, especially our brother and sister Christians. Lord, in your mercy, please look after them and give them your love and grace. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Rhysa Daniel
Eternal rest be granted unto Rhysa O Lord. May perpetual light shine upon her. May she Rest In Peace. 💟 <><