Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle


All who are enduring military attack,fear, hunger, homelessness. that they may continue to hope, and that they may receive the help they need.

Candle of peace

For all the people in Syria which are threatened by violence, uncertainty and fear.

for all people of faith in Syria

I pray for all who suffer uncertainty, violence and persecution. May the Lord grant them courage and consolation. May he show us all how to live as brothers and sisters.


For those suffering persecution, torture and death for their beliefs.

Susan Salam

Dear Father in Heaven, I pray for peace in the Middle East, especially a cease fire in Syria. I pray for protection for all the innocent families, and comfort for those bereaved. Have mercy on all those in war zones and convert the hearts of attacke


In memory of Fr Angus Shelton WF and all those suffering in the Middle East

For Peace

Ask St Jude,who responds to hopeless cases to help stop the bombing and bring peace to Syria and better understanding between all countries leaders.

Middle East

For Peace, Healing and Reconciliation in the Middle East and that Islamic Jihadis may come to see the error of their ways and turn to Christ their Saviour.


That God’s Holy and Perfect Will be made clear to Antonia and that she may be given the grace to submit to it.

For Peace

Dear Lord God Almighty Father, please protect all the persecuted Christians of our world and fill their hearts with hope. Amen


May this candle be a symbol of Christ’s love and his call ‘ Come to me and I will give you rest’. Dear Jesus fill the hearts of all persecuted Christians with hope and a real sense of your love always. Amen

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