BRAZIL: Elderly Sisters unstoppable thanks to charity’s support
Many religious Sisters in north-east Brazil are over 65 – and several over 80 –, but they…

BRAZIL: Protecting the Amazon in the spirit of St Francis
Franciscan friars are contributing to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest in north-west Brazil by helping indigenous…

BRAZIL: Church “in midst of the storm,” say bishops
The Brazilian Church is facing crushing challenges amid some of the most turbulent years in the country’s…

BRAZIL: Bringing God’s word to young Amazonians
CATHOLIC charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has distributed a new translation of its Child’s…

BRAZIL: Food aid for poor hit worst by Corona-crisis
A Catholic charity is giving a vital life-line to some of the poorest families in Brazil’s Amazonia…

BRAZIL: Fresh aid for Church communities crippled by COVID-19
BRAZIL – which has the second highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world – is…