VATICAN: Pope praises charity’s report on religious freedom
Pope Francis expressed great concern about religious freedom violations in countries around the world after receiving a…
INTERNATIONAL: Charity raises £121 million to help Christians in need
Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) completed 5,573 projects in 138 countries last year,…
LIBERIA: 100,000 steps for Africa… in Africa
To raise funds for vital projects in Africa two charity workers are set to walk 100,000 steps…
UNITED KINGDOM: Catholic charity announces new award as part of #RedWednesday
A Catholic charity has unveiled plans to launch a new award recognising fortitude and faith in the…
UNITED KINGDOM & NIGERIA: Visionary Bishop encourages Catholics to join Rosary campaign
A bishop who received a vision of Jesus telling him to pray the Rosary to restore peace…
INTERNATIONAL: Christian persecution expert from Northern Ireland to lead top Catholic charity
A woman from Northern Ireland with more than 40 years’ experience helping persecuted Christians has been named…
BLOG: Pope Benedict & ACN
“Let men know that God is there for us as a loving Father.” THE urgent, yet timeless…
INTERNATIONAL: ACN’s ‘deep sorrow’ at the passing of Pope Benedict
THE president of Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has spoken of his “deep…
INTERNATIONAL: 10,000 people worldwide attend #RedWednesday
Within just seven years, #RedWednesday’s call to shine a light on persecuted Christians has spread to more…
PAKISTAN: Desperate flood victims protect cattle with mosquito nets
A leading bishop has described the scenes of destruction following the floods in Pakistan, with villagers resorting…
IRAQ: Charity helps restore Church devastated by Daesh (ISIS)
A church destroyed by Islamist extremists during their occupation of northern Iraq is set to be fully…
CAMEROON: ‘What happened is an abomination’
Five priests, a nun, and three lay people have been abducted in Nchang, south-west Cameroon, after attackers…