MOZAMBIQUE: Terrorists slit the throats of three Christians
A leading bishop in Mozambique has revealed that extremists disguised in military uniform gathered a crowd of…
NIGERIA: 50 killed during Pentecost Sunday massacre at Catholic church
More than 50 people, including children, are believed to have been killed during a savage attack on…
NIGERIA: New suspects sought for murder of Christian girl in Nigeria
Police announced today (18th May) that they are looking for more suspects in connection with the brutal…
SRI LANKA: Cardinal – ‘President failed to warn of Easter bombings’
The leader of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka has suggested that the current president let the…
PAKISTAN: Tributes to Christian man killed in Peshawar
Tributes have been paid to a Christian minister who was killed yesterday (Sunday, 30th January) in Pakistan…
UK/INTERNATIONAL: ACN spreads Christmas cheer far and wide
The UK office of a leading Catholic charity has sent out a raft of aid programmes in…
IRAQ: Christian home fire-bombed in Iraq
A bomb attack on the home of a Catholic shopkeeper in southern Iraq has been condemned by…
INDIA: Reconversion campaign terror
Christians in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh are living in fear after radical Hindutva activists…
PAKISTAN: Sewage plant defies Government
A sewage plant in Pakistan, whose noise and smell are blamed for damaging the health of 1,500…
LEBANON: Christians defy land-grabbers
Christians in Beirut have responded with defiance amid reports that groups seeking to profit from last week’s…
PAKISTAN: Christians ‘denied’ food aid
• Outrage over reports that minorities are being overlooked as coronavirus aid is rolled out…
VENEZUELA: Fighting the coronavirus with Christ’s benediction
One diocese in Venezuela came up with an ingenious pastoral solution in response to having to close…