Get Involved

2024 Materials landing end of July – you’ll be able to download your #RedWednesday resources! Learn why this year’s #RW24 is in support of young Christians. Find below materials from #RW23 where you helped smash our fundraising target in £100K4AFRICA 

More resource to come in the next few days


Break the Silence

Please help Break the Silence on the persecution of Christians and minority faith groups around the world. Hear their stories and show your solidarity with our brothers and sisters.


Fundraising Ideas

You could hold a bake sale, a supper club or raffle. How about theming your event red or with an African twist. Or why not challenge yourself or a group of friends to a sponsored run, walk, cycle. Change a life today.

  • £25 will help provide trauma counselling for children and adults emotionally scarred by what they have lived through.
  • £45 will help a Sister to provide care and spiritual support for families in huge distress.
  • £100 will help with emergency relief – food, water and shelter – for those escaping violence.
  • £500 will support young men who willingly defy persecution to become priests.
  • £1000 will help to keep Christ present by re-building Churches destroyed by violence.

Fundraise with #TeamRED 

Set up your fundraising page or donate here

Facebook is also a great way to advertise your fundraiser. Facebook donates 100% of the money raised straight to ACN. Simply go onto ACN’s Facebook, click “fundraisers”, and then “raise money”.