SYRIA: ‘Almost no sign’ of international response
There is little – if any – evidence of international aid getting through to Syria, according to…

SYRIA: ACN agrees €500,000+ for earthquake victims
A Catholic charity is rolling out more than half a million euros in immediate aid to help…

SYRIA: Charity appeals for help for earthquake victims
DONATE HERE Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)…

SYRIA: Fearful families seeking shelter as aftershock shakes Aleppo
People in northern Syria who have lost their homes in the earthquake are being offered shelter in…

SYRIA AND TURKEY: Prayer appeal for earthquake victims
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is appealing for prayer amid alarming reports of two earthquakes…

DRC: Turn the ‘river of blood’ into an ‘ocean of reconciliation’
POPE Francis’s visit this week to the Democratic Republic of the Congo is aimed at transforming a…

SPAIN: Appeal for prayer following attack on churches in Spain
A CATHOLIC charity with links to the churches in Spain where a man was killed on Wednesday…

DRC: Priest: The world has abandoned our terrorised people
A SENIOR Catholic priest in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has denounced what he describes as…

IRAQ: New Iraq convent is a milestone in Christians’ return
A Catholic charity has hailed the re-opening of a convent in a village devastated by extremists as…

SYRIA: From prisoner of jihadists… to archbishop
The appointment of a priest who was a prisoner of Daesh (ISIS) as an archbishop in Syria…

NIGERIA: Priest burnt to death in presbytery
ONE priest was burned alive and another suffered gunshot wounds after attackers stormed a priests’ house yesterday…

BRAZIL: Bringing God’s word to young Amazonians
CATHOLIC charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) has distributed a new translation of its Child’s…