UK/INTERNATIONAL: ‘Punish the perpetrators’
A leading Parliamentarian has called on governments to bring to account the perpetrators of sexual crimes against…

BLOG: Nuns continue to provide spiritual care for the wounded and their families
Despite the increasing risk of remaining in Ukraine’s warzones, religious communities have stayed behind to serve the…

BLOG: Ukraine – Prayers in the air raid shelter
The situation in Kiev is getting more and more dire. A massive military convoy, more than 60…

UKRAINE: Lviv church opens doors wide to Ukraine’s refugee families
Refugees fleeing Russian military attacks and bombardments in Ukraine are finding a welcome at a Roman Catholic…

BLOG: Ukraine Bishop describes attacks on civilians
Of all the Ukrainian cities currently under attack, Kharkiv is one of the most targeted. On Tuesday…

UKRAINE: Convents pledge to pray for peace
Around the world, convents and monasteries have pledged to offer up their prayer and fasting on Ash…

UKRAINE: Testimonies of terror
Senior clergy in Ukraine – including a bishop sheltering in a bunker – have given a leading…

UKRAINE: Witnessing to hope amid bombardment
Leading clergy in Ukraine have given poignant first-hand accounts of ministering to people terrified for their lives…

UKRAINE: Charity rolls out emergency aid
A Catholic charity is set to despatch €1 million in immediate emergency aid as Ukraine descends into…

UKRAINE: Church preparing to help refugees
A Roman Catholic prelate in Ukraine has said that the Church is praying for a peaceful solution…

UK: MPs to hear the forgotten women
Leading Parliamentarians will hear first-hand accounts from women from religious minorities who have suffered persecution and abuse…

ERITREA: Patriarch dies in captivity
Church sources have confirmed that the head of the Eritrean Orthodox Church has died after almost 15…