PAKISTAN: Charity’s taxi service of solidarity and hope
The family of a Christian girl in Pakistan who was tethered with a rope and shackled round…

INTERNATIONAL: Compassion in a time of COVID
Benefactors of a leading Catholic charity responded to the pandemic by donating more in 2020 than the…

LEBANON: ACN helps historic church reopen
A historic Lebanese church – that sustained severe damage in August 2020’s devastating blast – is on…

PAKISTAN: Extremists accused of ‘inciting’ millions to hunt down Shagufta and Shafqat
Islamists from leading religious parties in Pakistan stand accused of inciting millions to kill a Christian couple…

MOZAMBIQUE: Kidnapped nun raises alarm about hundreds of abducted children
A nun in Mozambique, who spent more than three weeks as a captive of jihadists, has raised…

INTERNATIONAL: Support grows as Benefactors’ Day approaches
Messages of thanks to the supporters of Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) have…

UK/PAKISTAN: Priti Patel to meet ACN and MP about Maira
The Home Secretary has told the House of Commons that she will meet a leading Conservative MP…

PAKISTAN: Raped, punched, kicked and hit with a pistol – but undaunted
A young Christian woman in Pakistan has described how she struggled for her life when a man…

PAKISTAN: Shagufta and Shafqat finally win justice
A Christian couple in Pakistan on death row for seven years, have today (Thursday, 3rd June) been…

SYRIA: Sanctions – Syria’s new Calvary
A leading archbishop has hit out at international sanctions on Syria which are crippling the country and…

ETHIOPIA: ‘Genocide is happening in Tigray’
The targeting of young people, indiscriminate killings and widespread sexual violence – including the rape of nuns…

DRC: Trapped between bandits and a volcanic eruption
Tens of thousands of people are risking assaults by armed groups as they evacuate the city of…