Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle

Bryan Williams

Dear Mother Mary - on this your day and BW's funeral please pray to your Son for the repose of the soul of Bryan Williams and peace for all those who knew and loved him. Thank you, dear Mother.


Dear St. Teresa Benedicta - please pray to our blessed Lord for my complete healing, starting with my back. Yet, while that healing really is my will, nevertheless may His will be done in me and may it all be for His complete glory. Thank you.

Paul William Judge

As the first anniversary of your passing approaches,Dad,know that we are all praying for your soul,that you may received into the infinite mercy and joy of God's Kingdom. Through Jesus Christ our LORD. Amen.


For cleae test results today, please Lord.


Praying for the poor to get some thing to eat

Holy Mother Mary

please bless me and my family in protection, healing, and a sign of hope, Amen


Dear Mother - please pray to your Son for Christine who has just been taken to hospital with a serious stroke. Pray also for Roger and all their dear family. Mother, dear Lord, they really need to fel Your presence with them now. Thank You.

eric lloyd -colonoscopy- soulmate

please let them find out why left side abodomen is hurting during my colonscopy and that i will not pass out during the colon prep grant me this favor i seek in jesus name amen, allow me to start having fun allow me to date

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